Teaching Practice


Teaching practice is compulsory for all N.C.E. students and has to be passed for the student teacher to earn 6 credit units required for graduation in this course area.

Teaching practice should last for 26 weeks duration, which should run at a stretch from mid-September to December and from January to April (i.e. two terms).

Only students who passed EDU 213:

Micro-teaching theory would qualify to offer EDU 224:

Micro-Teaching Practicum would qualify to go on teaching practice.

It should be done in the student’s teaching subject(s). an attendance register shall be kept by the administrator of the cooperating school on each of the practicing teachers posted there.

All students on teaching practice must sign TIME IN and TIME OUT in the register on each working day. Supervisor(s) from the College shall be required to inspect the attendance register and take on the spot roll call of students posted to school that they are supervising.

Students should not that members of the Teaching Practice Committee of their delegates shall undertake on the spot checks during the teaching practice period. Students teachers should refrain from any act that infringes on rules and regulation of the school area and the laws of the nation.

A student will be required to repeat teaching practice under the following conditions:

  • If he or she scores less than 40%
  • If he or she absents he or herself from the teaching practice without permission from the school authority.
  • If found guilty of professional misconduct.
  • If a student is absent from teaching practice for any reason deemed valid by the academic board, he or she shall be required to make up the balance of the practice period.