Academic Regulations


Initial registration for fresh students lasts for two weeks from the day lectures begin. Registration closes with matriculation of 100 level students. For students in other levels and for the first and second semesters, registration closes three weeks after resumption for each session. Lateness within four weeks after the official registration date shall be allowed on payment of approved fee as a penalty per student. Any student who fails to register within the periods provided for above may be allowed on application to repeat the year in the following session.

A student shall not be allowed to change his/her subject combinations as admitted and registered until he/she has completed at least one full academic year in the College. A student who wants to change his/her subject combinations must satisfy both the general and departmental requirements for the proposed subject combination. Any courses taken in the School of Education and former Departments, including the prerequisite subjects shall be credited to such student regardless of the level of attainment in those courses.

The courses dropped shall appear in the student’s official record but shall not be taken into account in determining the student’s average grade point for graduation. The responsibility to decide on the relevance of the courses already taken shall rest on the Head of the new Department.

Change of course on health ground may be considered on its merit by the College Academic Board.


Students Transfer

  1. Applicants must apply on an approved form to the Registrar.
  2. Academic transcripts must be submitted with the application form.
  3. The application, together with academic transcripts and other relevant documents, shall be forwarded to the Head of Department concerned.
  4. Applicants may undergo a departmental test.
  5. The Head of Department shall return the application to the Registrar with recommendations.
  6. The Registrar shall forward the application to the Academic Board for approval.


Academic Year and Semester

  1. For proper computation of contact hours for each course in a programme of study, the Commission approves the following:
  2. A two semester year (first and second semesters for regular courses) for all Colleges of Education. A long vacation period should be adopted for vacation courses.
  3. The first and second semester should last between 17 and 18 weeks each, (including registration, teaching and examination periods) provided that not less than 15 weeks during each semester is devoted to teaching. Programmes of study for the long vacation period should last between 11-12 weeks, of which is devoted to teaching.
  4. For minimum utilization of staff and resources, and to give more opportunity to students to take additional courses under the course credit system, Colleges of Education should be operate programmes of the long vacation period in line with the course credit system.


Duration of the NCE Programme

As stated in the National Policy on Education (1989), maximum of five years is given for a candidate to obtain the NCE Certificate. The minimum number of years to be spent to qualify for the award of the NCE is three.



A registered student for the NCE programme must attain a 75% attendance to be allowed to write the end of semester examination.


Evaluation and Assessment Methods

  1. Continuous Assessment (C.A) - 40%
  2. End of Semester Examination - 60%


Minimum Credits Required

A student must earn a total minimum of between 128 & 132 credits distributed as follows to graduate:

Education - 36 Credits
Two major subjects at 36 or 37 credits each - 72 Credits to 120 Credits
A Double Major Subject - 72 Credits to 120 Credits
Teaching Practice - 6 Credits
General Studies - 12 Credits
Total - 128 Credits to 132 Credits

(Note that in some Departments Students may be required to carry more credit loads)