Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements



(i) A West African Senior Secondary School Certificate (WASSSC), NECO or GCE ‘O’ Level with passes in 5 subjects including English Language, three of which must be at credit level at the same sitting or four credits at two sittings. Two of the credits must be relevant to the course the candidates wishes to offer. Credits in English and/or Mathematics may be required in some courses to meet departmental requirements.

(ii) A Grade II Teacher’s Certificate (TC II) with credit or merit in three subjects, two of which must be relevant to the course the candidate wishes to offer. Credit/Merit in English Language and/or Mathematics may be a requirement in some courses.

(iii) Teachers Grade II Certificate with at least (5) years of post qualification teaching experience with or without the number of credit/merits in at least four subjects are acceptable qualification.

(iv) For candidates wishing to offer courses in Vocational and Technical Education, R.S.A. or City and Guilds/Intermediate Certificate or the Federal Craft Training Certificate or the National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) Certificate with credit/merit in at least four subjects are acceptable qualification.

(v) Associateship certificate in Education at merit level awarded by an approved institution in Nigeria or abroad, is also an acceptable qualification.

(vi) Successful candidates in the Pre-NCE final examinations who in addition take and succeed in a selection examination organized by an accredited body would also be qualified for admission.

(vii) All candidates wishing to be considered for admission must enroll for and write the selection examination organized by an accredited body such as JAMB.

(viii) It should be noted that some Colleges may, in addition to all of the above, administer their own elimination tests and or interviews for some courses. This is legitimate. The College is guided by the Imo State Government, National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) and JAMB regulations on admission of suitably qualified candidates.

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) advertises each year, inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates for admission into all Colleges of Education in the country for the Regular 3-year NCE Programme.



The College runs a one-year programme in all subjects, designed for students seeking admission into the College but do not possess the requirements for direct admission. Meanwhile, those students will still require to pass UTME, post UTME and the required number of credits before they can proceed to NCE I. Candidate for the programme must possess at the time of application, at least one of the following general entry requirements:

a. Senior School Certificate, GCE/OL with passes in English, Mathematics, and four credits in related courses intended to be studied. The four credits should include English for Language students and a pass in Mathematics and vice versa.

b. Teacher’s Grade II Certificate with at least four passes at credit/merit level including English and Mathematics and other two combinable subjects.



a. Courses are provided in the College leading to the award of the Nigeria Certificate in Education which is denoted by the letters NCE.
b. Programmes of course normally extend over a period of three or four academic years in the following order.
i. Three years for students admitted into the direct NCE programme.
ii. Four years for students admitted into the preliminary programme. The first year will be spent in the College to prepare them for UTME examination which must qualify them for three years regular programme.
c. Course are numbered by years and distributed as follows:

  • Year I - 100 series
  • Year II - 200 series
  • Year III - 300 series

Departmental Requirements:
In addition to the College general requirements, candidates must satisfy the following respective departmental requirements.
1. Students who wish to offer English as a major teaching subject must have a Credit/Merit in English Language and at least, a pass in Literature in English at Senior School Certificate (SSC)/NECO Level.
2. Those who wish to offer Physics, Chemistry, Geography or Economics must, at least, have an O/Level pass in Mathematics.
3. Home Economics, Food and Nutrition or Family and Human Relationship Students must, at least, have a pass in one of these science subjects: Biology, Chemistry or Physics, plus a pass in Mathematics.
4. Business Education (Accounting Option): Accounting Education, Business Management: must have a Credit in Accounts and Mathematics plus Credit in Commerce and Economics.
5. Business Education (Secretarial Option): Candidate must have Credits at GCE O’ Level or WASC or NECO (SSC) in any of the following subjects: Typewriting, Shorthand, Business Methods, Introductory Management, Commerce and Economics.
6. Physical and Health Education (PHE): Candidates with Grade II Teachers Certificate (Passed) with Credit/Merit in P.H.E and a pass in any of the following General Sciences: Health Science, Agric, Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. GCE O/L holders with Credit in any of the following science subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Integrated Science, Health Science, may also be considered for admission into NCE PHE.

NCE Arabic Medium
(a) Senior Islamic Studies Certificate (SISC)
(b) Thanawiyyah/Taojihiyyah Certificate from recognized Institutions in Nigeria.
(c) Candidates with Thanawiyyah Certificate from Arab countries shall be subjected to examination and interview before admission into the programme.
7. Social Studies: Those who wish to offer Social Studies must have Credit/Merit in Grade II Social Studies and any two of the following subjects: Government, Economics,

Geography and History.
8. Integrated Science: Credit/Merit in Integrated Science, General Science or in any one of the following: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics is a necessary condition for admission.
9. Technical Education: Federal Craft Certificate or City and Guilds or GCE (O/L)/WASSC or NECO (SSC) (with five passes at a sitting) or Teachers’ Grade II Certificate with minimum of two credits in any of the following: Wood Work, Metal Work, Block Laying and Connecting Electronics and Mechanics and at least, a pass in Technical Drawing plus a pass in Mathematics.
10. Accounting Option and Secretarial Studies (Option): The GCE (O/L)/WASSC or NECO (SSC) with at least passes in five papers at a sitting, two of which must be at credit level in the underlisted subjects or Teachers’ Grade II with at least two credits/merits in any of the underlisted subjects or RSA II or Pitman Examination (Intermediate) with passes in any two of the following: Accounts, Commerce, Typewriting, Shorthand, Introductory Management or Business Methods, Office Practice or Secretarial Studies, Economics and Mathematics.
11. Home Economics: Teachers’ Grade II Certificate or WASSC or NECO (SSC)/GCE ‘O’ Level, or SSC with at least five passes at a sitting. The passes must include one of the following: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, General Science, Integrated Science, Health Science, and Agric Science, plus a credit pass in Home Economics and any other subject, with a pass in Mathematics.
12. Fine and Applied Arts: Candidate must have credit in Fine Arts and/ or Painting and Decoration. WASSC, or NECO (SSC) Grade II, GCE (O/L), SSC, City and Guilds or any other similar qualification.
13. Music:
i. Candidates must have a credit in Music at WASSC, Grade II, GCE, ‘O’ Level or any other qualifications or a pass in the departmental aptitude and auditioning test (practical and written) in lieu of credit/merit passes in Music at the Teachers’ Grade II Certificate examinations. GCE ‘O’ Level or the WASSC, or NECO (SSC), at least a pass in Mathematics is required.
ii. A pass in Music at the Teachers’ Grade II Certificate Examinations or WASC/GCE ‘O’ Level at SSC plus a pass in the departmental audition (practical and written) test in Music.
iii. The Associated Board of the Royal School of Music (ABRSM) London Grade ii/iii/iv/v/vi/vii/viii theory certificate in lieu of credit/merit passes at the Teachers’ Grade II Certificate Examinations, GCE ‘O’ Level or the WASSC.
14. Primary Education: Grade II Teachers Certificate with at least three years post qualification teaching experience. All candidates must have at least a pass in English Language at Teachers’ Grade II Certificate or WASSC/GCE ‘O’ Level, SSC or IJMB ‘O’ Level.



To qualify for transition from Pre-NCE to NCE I candidate must:
i. Have participated in the Pre-NCE academic programmes for two semesters.
ii. Obtain a terminal CGPA of not less than 1.50
iii. All Pre-NCE examinations must be externally moderated.
iv. Satisfy other government extant rules on Admission e.g. PCE, JAMB.
v. Where candidates fail to qualify for transition, the College may at its discretion allow for repeat, but not more than once.
vi. The College arranges the Pre-NCE programmes in such a way that the candidates registered for minimum of 18 credits and maximum of 24 credits per semester.
vii. All Pre-NCE candidates are required to register and attend lectures in English and Mathematics as appropriate to their programmes.